I was there 10 years ago, and watched a portion of the reed fence constructed. The man doing the work was practising a trade from the olden days, akin to our carpenters that build things with their grandfathers hand tools to preserve the craft. Absoloutly gorgeous place. I would move to Kyoto, but after three trips I decided to stay in the States and just have it as a real special trip to visit there. Arigato gozaimashita!
I was there 10 years ago, and watched a portion of the reed fence constructed. The man doing the work was practising a trade from the olden days, akin to our carpenters that build things with their grandfathers hand tools to preserve the craft. Absoloutly gorgeous place. I would move to Kyoto, but after three trips I decided to stay in the States and just have it as a real special trip to visit there. Arigato gozaimashita!