Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Pics That Are Truly Fascinating (41 pics)
Depiction of what Neanderthals looked like
There was a brief period in WCW where Hollywood Hogan was clean shaven. I see why it didn’t last long.
The largest US soccer crowd ever
Michigan Stadium: A friendly between Manchester United and Real Madrid on Aug 2nd 2014, set the US attendance record for a soccer match with an official tally of 109,318 fans.
In 1889, the year of Adolf Hitler’s birth, Franz von Stuck painted “The Wild Chase”, which depicts Wotan on horseback leading a procession of the dead. The painting has become infamous for its disturbing resemblance to Hitler, who was rumored to have based his look on the image of the pagan god.
This is Hercules, the Liger. At 922 pounds, he is the largest cat in the world
The next generation US Warship
Armament: AGM-114L Hellfire missiles[8] 1× BAE Systems Mk 110 57 mm gun[9] 4× .50-cal guns (2 aft, 2 forward) 2× Mk44 Bushmaster II 30mm chain guns 1× Raytheon SeaRAM CIWS[7] Other weapons as part of mission modules
This guy is wearing a 4 Kilo pure gold shirt worth $211,000
Lamborghini Veneno Roadster
Palestinian girl looking for her books under the ruins of her home
One of two known surviving tea chests from the December 16, 1773, Boston Tea Party when 340 tea chests were dumped into Boston Harbor by rebelling colonists.
There is bagged water in Haiti
Homs, Syria. 3 years into the civil war
This guy goes around the neighborhood selling BBQ like an ice cream truck on the weekends.
Naica Mine In Chihuahua Mexico
Stanley Kubrick’s daughter Vivian just uploaded these rare photos of him and his assistant editors editing Barry Lyndon in the converted garage of his home in Abbots Mead, December 1974
The Unhealthiest Meal You Can Eat at a Chain Restaurant
Red Robin’s “monster-sized” A.1. peppercorn burger, served with “bottomless” fries and a “Monster” milkshake, which clocks in at a whopping 3,540 calorie, with 69 grams of saturated fat, 6,280 mg of sodium and an estimated almost three-quarters of a cup of added sugar.
Plastic Surgery Blamed for Making All Miss Korea Contestants Look Alike
English soldiers’ kit from 1066
A Chinese military regiment takes part in morning exercises in sub-zero temperatures on the Sino-Russian border
Jonathan the turtle in year 1900 and today…Jonathan is 182 years old
$1,000,000 bathtub cut from a single piece of quartz
This Woman Was Born in 1936
Ernestine Sheperd, former Guiness record holder for the World’s Oldest Bodybuilder. Her diet consists of 1,700 calories a day, mostly from boiled egg whites, chicken, vegetables and a liquid egg white drink, and she runs about 80 miles a week; she does not take supplements.
The Dubai Police Unveil Their $1.6 million Bugatti Veyron Police Car
A cube made out of one way mirrors
Do you even leg press, bro?
Photo from Gaza that looks like actual hell on earth
An Australian man named Don Ritchie who lives by a cliff has prevented around 160 suicides in his 50 years of living there, by striking up a conversation with people contemplating suicide and inviting them to his house for tea.
A picture of Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter (jumped on a grenade to save fellow marines) with his mother. After everything he’s been through, he’s still her little boy.
Medal of Honor recipients have a slew of privileges and courtesies, including additional allowances, air travel as they see fit, automatic admission of their children to any Military Academy, invitations to all future presidential inaugurations and inaugural balls.
What’s more, members of the uniformed services will render salutes to Medal of Honor recipients without regard to rank or status. A four star general or admiral, they could be chief of staff of their branch, or in charge of an entire command, but they will salute Corporal Carpenter.
That is respect.
The blackest material on Earth. Absorbs all but 0.035% of light. This is made by NASA from carbon nanotubes.
The tallest man in the world holding the shortest woman in the world.
The process of creating a shot from ‘Gravity’
What it looks like inside of Deadmau5′s mau5 head
How English has changed in the past 1000 yearss
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